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Narrow Minded

Well, I deserve to be what you think of me. It is me only who compel you to think so and I agree on you in this matter. I can’t be what you wish me to be. Its because there may be something I am not being able to understand. I shouldn’t have taken your words seriously but there was nothing to stop me from doing so, not even you. And today not only me, perhaps you too are suffering from this.

I reckon you as a circle. No matter how much you travel to the infinite points in various direction, at last you will always come to the point from where you had started being with me. But the problem is that I always behave like a tangent, thinking something straightly towards the same direction not keeping in mind that your direction is going to change every time, when I find you reach a new point every time. As your thoughts are broad, the circle you are making also seems to be broad. And then there is me whose area occupied being a tangent is almost negligible, so does my thoughts. I don’t know why I m making fun of myself revealing the truth, but it is my way of supporting you and your perception regarding me. I want to make you clear to the fact that the things aren’t always what they seem to be. We never understand some facts until we get experienced to its consequences. What I want to say is you don’t need to think broad to maintain the relation. You just have to make clear someone how you think about them and that’ll be more than enough. By making them pleased and letting them to feel proud having you are also the main things they care about. 
So, I don’t find the thoughts are something that matters the most. They only matter in the social issues but not of heart. 


  1. Very interesting perspective as someone with a closed mind talking to someone who has an open mind. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I am not narrow minded what so ever. I know a lot of people who are and they are the types that I do not hang out with on the regular.

  3. Talking to each other is so important. One needs to also listen and considers others views.

  4. It's so important to try to understand others' perspectives in order to become more and more open minded.

  5. I agree that understanding others perspectives will definitely lead to a more open mind!

    ~xo Sheree

  6. Having open communication and an open mind is so critical in the social world. There is nothing worse than having to have a relationship with narrow minded individual.

  7. I enjoyed reading this. Everyone live a life of perception. More often, that perception is shaped when they were young. Some never grow from their childhood perception, which makes narrow minded people.

  8. I try to avoid narrow-minded people. As an open-minded person, I find that narrow-minded people severely hurt my head when we conversate, LOL!

  9. Very interesting. I would like to say something to my closed minded family members and coworkers.

  10. Its a great information. No any relationship will be longer between two narrow minded person. Its very important to talk each other.

  11. Communication is key. Without an open-mind, one will not get far. I don't even try to entertain myself with narrow-minded people. - Suzanne


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