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Emerging Nepal despite their struggling phase

Nepal batsman Arif Sheikh in action during a World Cup Qualifier play off cricket match between Nepal and Papua New Guinea at Old Hararians Sports Club March 15 2018 (©ICC).

Starting from Division 5 in 2008, we are now among the ODI (One Day International) cricket nation with other 15 teams.  It seems itself a great achievement to the players who have been through a lot of hard work, sacrifice and patience. Though I have mentioned this above as an achievement but it is also the beginning of the new era to Nepal’s cricket. Better I’d say as an opportunity to enhance to the next level where now Afghanistan and Ireland have reached. After gaining ODI status, we are guaranteed to play in World Cricket League Championship and The Intercontinental cup which is the highest-level tournament for Associate cricket and also the path to gain Test Status.
Yeah! We are now an ODI cricket nation, but all joy goes down when we realize that our cricket board has been suspended and we are yet to build a fully managed International Cricket Stadium and, we don’t have any domestic cricket tournament. Likewise, we also lack full time International coach to guide our batting, bowling and fielding particularly. So much problem and difficulty our players have to deal with. However, they are giving their best in the field so that Nepal Cricket won’t get influenced from those problems.
In 2016, our cricket board i.e. Cricket Association of Nepal (CAN) had been suspended due to the increase in politics as well as the corruption but ICC (International Cricket Council) let the players to continue their International matches under its own supervision. And the players are doing everything for not letting the hopes of ICC as well as millions of crazy fans down.
Nepal captain Paras Khadka plays a shot against Afghanistan during their Group B, ICC World Cup Qualifier at BAC in Bulawayo, Mar 10 2018 (©ICC).

Paras Khadka, caption of Nepal’s cricket team, is one of the hero to all the Nepalese fans across the globe, who led us from Division five to T20 World Cup 2014 and now to the ODI cricket nation. He has been there to help Nepal in every difficult situation inspiring and motivating the young players. Sandeep Lamichhane, leg break bowler, is another one of the legend who is set to play for Delhi Daredevils in IPL as well as for St. Kitts and Nevis Patriots in CPL being first Nepalese player to get the opportunity. Every player has contributed a lot to climb to the ODI mountain which began in the WCL Division 2 where Karan Kc along with Sandeep made the last wicket winning partnership of 51 runs against Canada and only our journey to CWCQ started. Unfortunately, we were unable to reach in Super Six stage but Paras Khadka showed his aggressive batting temperament to the test playing countries. Rohit Kumar Poudel, 15-year-old middle order Nepali batsman, was seen in something good form with consistency in WCL Division 2 as well as CWCQ. He is an excellent find to Nepal cricket who can take Nepal more forward in coming future.
Anil Sah and Gyanedra Malla set off to open the batting for Nepal as they won the toss and chose to bat against Afghanistan in the fourth round, Group B of the ICC Cricket World Cup Qualifiers at the Bulawayo Athletic Club, March 10 2018 (©ICC).
 Always from the beginning we are facing the same problem of openers due to which whole batting lineup is struggling. We are yet to find the best openers to the team. Gyanendra Malla, who was a very impressive player in 3-4 position for Nepal team, is now struggling to his form being an opener. My only wish is soon Nepal get a best opening pair to the side then surely, we can be among the test playing nations in cricket in coming 5-6 years.
Afghanistan batsman Rahmat Shah gets bowled by Nepal bowler Dipendra Airee at BAC in Bulawayo in the Group B, ICC World Cup Qualifier, Mar 10 2018 (©ICC).

Nepal celebrate wicket of Afghanistan batsman Rahmat Shah during the Group B, ICC World Cup Qualifier at BAC in Bulawayo, Mar 10 2018 (©ICC).


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