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An Indelible Journey

There were only the situations where we even couldn’t meet for a minute but all had had for something really memorable to come. It is as like we struggle for a hundred rupees note and at last, we are awarded thousands of rupees. An 8-hour journey is worth than any award considering our struggle to meet for a minute. Lots of discussion and arguments were involved to make it happen. The only thing we had to get over was fear.

When there is will, there is a way. We were all about to experience a part of our dream. There was probably a competition between our excitement level before the journey. It was harder to believe for a long time to me that we were going to be together for an 8-hour journey. Just after the bus moved, my heart started to hit me hard to tell me that it was not a dream. We kept talking and looking at each other. The bus was moving, our topics to talk about was changing but the only thing that remained constant throughout the journey was the happiness we had had being together. Even the movie I had considered to be the worst was no longer a problem to watch in the bus. The moment she kept her head on my shoulders and hands between my hands was the best part of the journey that I would never forget. This journey came to our life as a sample to realize how happy we will be in our life if being together. How I can forget our time in the taxi going to our hostels but it is something special to feel rather than to share. The only thing we were surrounded by was our love bond. She is very special to me and every moment I spent with her is a part of my happy life.


  1. Sounds like you made a great friend on that trip. Are you still together?

  2. Yes, I couldn't agree more. When there is a will, there will always a way. Lovely story of you two! More power!

  3. Beautiful sounds like love. Also seems like a memory you will replay in your head time and time again because you want to savoy the moment forever.

  4. What a lovely stories to share. It is always nice and exciting to meet new people through our journey. What's even better is when both party really click and have endless topics to talk.

  5. Did you know her before the bus trip or meet her on the trip? Either way, agreed! You have to make an effort for the important things

  6. This is such a beautiful story that just exudes love and being present in the moment. Those are the best moments!

  7. This is such a beautiful story! It's amazing how fate gives you exactly what you need.

  8. Awe this is very sweet. Thanks for sharing this sweet post.

  9. That is indeed a beautiful post about someone very special. Thanks for sharing :)

  10. What a beautiful story about someone who you just met and love. Wishing you all the best!

  11. The beauty of sharing an adventure with a great person. Live is great with a lot of moments like these.

  12. This story is so very special. I love to meet new people and to share something like this together would be so amazng.

  13. Beautifully written. This type of connection isn't easily found and sounds like a great friendship.

  14. Very intriguing story do fill in the missing details. It remind me of a similar incident that happened to me many years ago.

  15. How did you find each other? And I really want to know what you talked about. :) However, the language of love is incredibly strong!!!

  16. It's nice to have that kind of a pull to someone. What a wonderful memory you have created and shared.

  17. Excuse me while I get the tissues to wipe my tears. This is so beautiful and sharing a memory you will have forever is better then never having that memory.

  18. Um yes! How romantic and sweet! I would love to know what happened afterwards! Maybe another blog post worthy?

  19. What a sweet story! Thank you for sharing!


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