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Life and fear

When I hear somebody saying "Life is hard.", I m always tempted to ask ,"compared to what ?".
Life is what it needs to be i.e very simple but it's you who make it complicated. Life doesn't put things in front of you that you cannot handle. Make sure you have some purpose in your life that can be for something or can also be for someone else. The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. Once you start to love your life, you will find the real meaning of your life. Try to fight with the problems of your life. Sometimes you win sometimes you learn. Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of the fear. If you let fear overcome you then you'll sink deeper and deeper and you won't be able to reach your destiny.
The more fearful your life be, the more difficult be your life to handle. 


  1. Yay,... always b positive in life... its always hard to live... u sud never say "why me?" Instead say "try me!!" .. ЁЯШКЁЯШК

    1. Wow! you are absolutely correct :-) we should make ourselves ready in every situation of life to tackle with.ЁЯШК

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