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Love vogue

Love is such a pure and beautiful thing which has now become a mandatory phase for all teenagers to grow up with. We can see teenagers saying they are in a relationship or blah blah blah… When you are in love, it is not necessary to call it a relationship. Relationship starts when you become mature enough to take full responsibility of you and your partner to live your life together. In case of true love, you two enjoy being together but it is not good to keep expectations in anything from each other. It is the main factor to ruin your beautiful life.  You can dream your future and move together to fulfill it. You should understand each other with full loyalty. Loyalty and maturity is what determines you when you say you are about to start a relationship. Maturity is not when you realize you can't live without each other but it is when you realize you need to live together.

Spend your time with those who love you unconditionally, not with those who only love you under certain conditions.  Real love, you feel it, you see it and you show it but fake love is just words. This is the generation where in most cases loyalty is just a tattoo, love is just a quote and lying is the new truth. People often search and love the outer beauty but it's the inner beauty of the soul that remains permanent within the person and so does love. You may find the difference in true and fake love from the fact whether someone be the star of your life or whether they say they will bring a star to you from the sky.

Well, I am not so adept in relationship as you are currently thinking. These are only my thoughts that I believe. It's up to your own thoughts whether you agree on my words or not.


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