Nepal is a landlocked country surrounded by China in the North and India in the South, East, and West. Though it is a different country, a lot is similar among the people of India and Nepal. Did you know, like India, the major religion in Nepal is Hinduism? Here’s presenting 30 interesting facts about Nepal: 1. THE LARGEST HINDU POPULATION PERCENTAGE With 81% of the population belonging to Hinduism, it has the largest percentage of Hindus in the world. NEPAL HINDU FESTIVALSourceasianews 2. HINDUISM AND BUDDHISM EXIST TOGETHER Hinduism and Buddhism exist side by side in Nepal and to some extent are intermingled. The importance of both in the national life is manifested everywhere; more than 2,700 temples and shrines have been counted in the Kāthmāndu Valley alone. entrada-a-la-estupa-de-swayambhunath. Sourcenesthostelsvalencia NEPAL HINDU FESTIVALSourceasianews 3. IT IS THE ONLY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD WHICH IS A ‘HINDU’ KINGDOM The constitution does not establish a state relig...